we're doomed
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 | Author: Ryan
I'm in the midst of reading today, and I come across this article. I just had to stop and read it. Apparently, Dr. Gilbert Omenn, professor of Internal Medicine, Human Genetics, and Public Health at the University of Michigan thinks that if America elects a president that doesn't believe in evolution, America will be led to ruin. Um...what?

First of all, evolution teaches that man came from lower life forms, most recently, apes. This is taught as fact in schools. Is it any wonder that kids in those schools seem to act more and more like animals all the time? Evolution teaches us that we are here by chance. "You are a cosmic accident!" But of course it's those that believe we are created and thus are accountable to God that will lead the country to ruin, not the people who believe there is no meaning in life outside of self.

My apologies for the sarcasm, but doesn't his statement seem ironic to anyone else? If I believe in creation, then I believe there is a Creator. If there's a Creator, then as His creation, I'm accountable to Him. I was made for Him, so I must do as He wishes. The only reason I would be scared that creationists would ruin the country is if I thought that the Creator wanted to destroy it. However, it's generally recognized that people who believe in a Creator also believe that Creator said things like, don't lie, don't steal, don't murder, etc. I'm not seeing how following that creator will lead any people to ruin.

If I'm an evolutionist, I am my own god. I answer to no one. Yes, in many instances, keeping the peace with those around me is good for me, but many times it isn't. What if someone angers me? Can't I kill them? Survival of the fittest, folks...who are you to tell me that's wrong? I'm not accountable to you...you're not special; you're a fellow cosmic accident like I am.

Maybe that example is too extreme. But what about people in the business world who scratch and claw to get to the top, cheating, lying and slandering their way there. They tick off a lot of people in the process. Or people that steal? "I know it's yours, but I needed it more than you did, so I have every right to take it." Survival of the fittest. So which worldview with its logical end would lead a country to ruin?

The article quotes him also as saying that, "The logic that convinces us that evolution is a fact is the same logic we use to say smoking is hazardous to your health or we have serious energy policy issues because of global warming." All those who sent your kids to Michigan to study science with this guy ought to seriously reconsider. Last I checked, there were two types of science: operational and origin science. Evolutionary science is an origin science, which typically relies on eyewitness accounts (which obviously isn't the case with evolution) and circumstantial evidence. Therefore, it is not the same logic used to say smoking is bad for you, because that's operational science, which uses observable, repeatable experiments to discover truth. Has anyone been able to reproduce macro-evolution in a lab experiment? Has anyone been able to take random chemicals and create a big bang using the scientific method? Of course not! Therefore, assumptions have to be applied to circumstantial evidence. This is obviously not the same logic!

Our Creator has told us these things would happen as...well, read Romans 1 for yourself.
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