...I just don't understand! I continued to hear things as we approached today, the Florida primary election day. I mentioned in a previous post that some of the concepts being thrown around by the average 'Joe' politically are unbelievable. They hear stuff on TV and buy it hook, line and sinker. The problem is, people stop thinking for themselves, as if they have handed their brain to someone they think they like and said, "Here you go. Stuff anything in there you'd like!" The more I've heard as we approached today, the more I've scratched my head...
Talk was being thrown out by a television show (sorry, I can't recall the station or the show...I know, that's bad) that argued that it was perfectly legitimate to compare President Bush to Adolph Hitler! Their reasoning? Well, Guantanamo Bay, of course! Just like Hitler had concentration camps for the Jews, Guantanamo Bay is like a concentration camp for Arabs...don't you see how precise the comparison is? Is it just me, or does anybody else realize that, even if it is conceded that inappropriate treatment of inmates is occurring at Guantanamo (which I'm not so sure I believe either), isn't there something to the fact that they are people who would destroy us if we didn't try to stop them first? And not only that, but they've already taken steps to do so, or they wouldn't be in Guantanamo in the first place. The Jews were innocent, folks...
Oh and of course, "the health care system is going down the wrong path! Who better to fix it than the government??!!" Really?!?! You really want to be giving more money to the same government so many of you already complain don't spend it wisely? You really want some bureaucrat you don't know telling you who your doctor will be? You really want the government to decide if your surgery, which your life depends on, is covered or not?
Thankfully, we know a God who is bigger than all of this. It's just too bad that so many people are determined to leave him out of the affairs of our country.
This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 29, 2008 and is filed under
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