Sunday, January 06, 2008 | Author: Ryan
2008 has only just begun, but I'm already growing tired of the political banter leading up to an election that is still 11 months away. But I suppose it isn't the actual banter I'm tired of. I'm tired of the fact that so many people have uninformed opinions but spout off as if they have CIA-level intelligence of the issue. Here are just a few of those things:

  • Embryonic Stem Cell Research - People like Michael J. Fox get in front of a camera and say that if you don't support embryonic stem cell research then you're against finding a cure. How can you be against finding a cure?! But so many have failed to notice that there are other types of stem cell research, like studying adult stem cells. This doesn't harm an embryo and has proven to cure diseases, while no one has ever been cured through the use of embryonic stem cells. Few have failed to notice, also, that the reason embryonic stem cell research is still being pushed hard isn't because it works, but it is largely because of - you guessed it - money!
  • S-CHIP - This stands for State Children's Health Insurance Program and it was/is trumpeted as the only answer for those who can't speak out for themselves - children - who need health insurance. If you aren't for S-CHIP, you aren't for children! How can you be against children!?!? What many don't understand is that it's a program that's already been in place and was in need of being renewed. But under the program, many adults were getting free health care (approximately 10% of SCHIP health care recipients...I thought it was for children), children in a family whose income was less than $72,000/year were eligible for the program (are you telling me that someone who makes that much a year can't afford to have their own children, who are their responsibility, on their own health plan?), and that's not everything. No, were not against children...we're against a poor system in favor of a better one!
  • Evolutionism/Creationism in school - If evolutionists are so sure that evolution is hard, scientific fact, then shouldn't they welcome dialog about the issue? What are they trying to hide?
There's more, but that's enough for now...I'm already tired of my own post!
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