I'm not normally this charged about politics, but I just can't get past what has gone on during this campaign. A friend of mine wrote a nice little piece on how Barak Obama plans to create jobs and help our economy, and it fired me up enough to write some stuff I've been agitated about for a while now.
He wrote about how poor Obama's plan was, but I had heard Obama tell the American people just the other day that he is going to lower capital gains taxes for small business. How exciting! There's just one small problem: small businesses don't pay capital gains taxes. He doesn't even know what they are...exactly the kind of man I want leading our country.
My friend also mentioned that Obama is "eloquently convincing you to accept the initial stages of socialism." May I go so far as to say Marxism? He uses words and phrases like, "brother's keeper," "fairness," and "everyone should have health insurance," among other platitudes that sound so good, but in reality, it's Marxism with make-up on. He wants to make wealthier people, most who have worked hard and earned every penny, do what Joe Biden said the other day was the "patriotic" thing to do, pay more in taxes so they can reallocate it to poor people, many of whom have chosen their lifestyle (school dropouts, don't try to work more than they have to in order to still qualify for government handouts, etc.) and would simply continue to live off of their expectation that the government is obligated to provide for them instead of getting off their butts and earning an income.
And I'm so tired of watching the media drool over the man. I have lost all respect for our media. The media sent droves of people to Wasilla, AK to drudge up any dirt they could find on Sarah Palin. All they can come up with is the media-created "Troopergate." They air people who just a few months ago stood up with fellow feminists who fight for working women, who now bash Palin because she is everything they wanted to be a couldn't become (which ultimately backfired, thankfully, as it exposed the hypocrisy within the feminist movement). She's bashed as 'unqualified,' when in fact, she alone has far more experience than Obama. No one in the media cares to mention that he has only spent 140-some days working in the Senate, and most of the time he voted "present" so that people couldn't bash his voting record.
How many people have investigated Obama? How many people know who Saul Alinsky is? Or how about William Ayers? Father Flager? Franklin Raines? Why is no one investigating Obama and his relationship with all of these people? What about his relationship to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac meltdown? The only reason anyone knows about Jeremiah Wright is because he opened his big mouth, and the media did everything they could to put that fire out. Or what about his support of infanticide while an Illinois Senator? And you don't hear much mention of his plan to reduce the number of abortions in this county (which also sounds like a noble goal, until you realize he wants to teach sex ed to kindergartners and help fund Planned Parenthood.) Shame on the media for spending more time and asking harder questions about a pregnant 17-year-old than Barak Obama, who only happens to be running for President of the United States. Oh yeah, they do know all that...they just don't want us to.
And I just have to say that he dug himself a real hole, in my eyes, with the mocking of McCain in the commercial where he makes fun of the fact that McCain doesn't know how to use e-mail. Is he so out of touch that he doesn't even know that McCain's arms and hands don't function correctly because he served our country in the most honorable of ways, or does he know and just has the audacity to mock him, anyway? I don't care what side of the aisle you're on, that was just wrong.
The man does tug at the heartstrings of believers because he talks of helping the poor and looking out for each other. The problem is that as Christians, we too often want the government to do those things for us. But it's not the responsibility of the government...it's the responsibility of the church. It's our responsibility. It's also our responsibility to love our Lord with our minds, but far too often we disengage and believe whatever is told to us instead of investigating for ourselves and knowing what's at stake.
This entry was posted on Friday, September 19, 2008 and is filed under
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"How many people have investigated Obama?"
I prefer to get information about people before I judge them. I prefer to gather unbiased information or, at least, information that is not prejudiced against them before I come to a conclusion. So, trying to be fair and assuming that I could get the truth from Obama's own website, I went there to find out his positions and plans. I was stunned and amazed to find that it cannot be done. The only way that I can get information about Obama from his website is if I 1) sign up and 2) make a donation. Can you believe it? I can't even get information from the "horse's mouth" (so to speak) without paying for it. That ought to be a warning ...
Two things I recently read about Obama.
Jon Stewart, speaking of his visit to Europe, mentioned, "On his way he made a quick stop in Israel to visit the manger in Bethlehem where he was born."
Kiplinger magazine had an article comparing McCain and Obama tax plans. One thing they noted that most people don't think about was that a key difference between McCain and Obama is that Obama will have a Democrat-controlled Congress. Whatever McCain would like to accomplish would be actually achieved only through fighting with Congress. Obama, on the other hand, will be able to give us his socialism with ease because he doesn't have to fight the Legislative branch. Now that is scary.