religion vs. recreation
Friday, March 14, 2008 | Author: Ryan
A story was recently printed in the Beaver County (PA) Times about a young man who chose not to play in the state championship game his high school basketball team was playing in so that he could attend a weekend church retreat. Many are saying that it is about time "church/religion comes before sports." I'm not sure I'm quite as quick to agree.

First, lets take a look at the pro's of his decision. He probably was able to gain encouragement from the Word and from other men that weekend. He probably grew in his knowledge of God by going to the camp. These are very important things; very good things. But, do they outweigh the cons?

If I'm his teammate, I'm upset. First of all, though he's not a starter, his team was without three key players, which means the bench players could play a crucial role in the championship game, especially if an injury to another player occurs during the course of the game. He made a commitment to this team, and now he's broken that commitment, and not only broken it, but broken it when his team needs him most. In addition, someone was probably cut from the team to make a spot for him. They could have been vying for the championship trophy while he was at his retreat. And now, if this young man tries to introduce his teammates to Jesus, what will their reaction to him be? "You want me to commit my life to Jesus? Who are you to tell me about commitment?" "I used to respect you, but you let us down, so now I don't know what to think about you or your Jesus."

Why are we so concerned with what we culturally deem to be "church?" We applaud people for going to church or doing church programs, instead of being the church. Those teammates probably need Jesus far more than He needed that weekend at the church retreat, and if playing in a basketball game helped his teammates see Jesus that much better, or at least didn't tarnish His name, then I choose the game over the retreat any day of the week.

Let it be understood that I appreciate this young man's desire to make God first in his life and the willingness to sacrifice personal accolades in order to make it so. That much is admirable and praiseworthy. I just hope he, along with the rest of us, comes to realize that 'going to church' doesn't necessarily equal godliness, but that 'being the church' does.
This entry was posted on Friday, March 14, 2008 and is filed under , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.


On March 21, 2008 at 9:45 AM , Stan said...

Just wondering ... when is it right to put religion before recreation? When would you commend someone for choosing ... I don't know how to say this without biasing it ... Christ over the team? (Not saying I necessarily disagree. Just wondering to what extent you mean this.)

On March 21, 2008 at 4:52 PM , Ryan said...

Well that's just it. I don't mean to completely disagree and say that he was totally wrong. I just reread what I wrote and see how it could come across that way, but I tried to pose questions and thoughts, not take a definitive stance on this particular event. I don't know the answer to that question. I guess the only point I was trying to make was that we shouldn't necessarily be so quick to praise this action without thinking about the consequences as a whole. There was much more at stake than simply going or not going to a retreat.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this (read, "Does anyone else read my blog?")? Thanks for commenting, Stan!

On April 22, 2008 at 2:27 AM , Anonymous said...

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On June 23, 2008 at 9:17 AM , Stan said...

Come on, Ryan ... I'm waiting for your next entry.

On July 28, 2008 at 6:54 AM , Joshua Ohlman said...


you said "at what point do we put religion over recreation", the whole point is that fulfilling your commitment to your team is also religion, it is witnessing to your fellow teammates about godliness.