may we never forget...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007 | Author: Ryan

One year ago I wrote this, and I believe it still applies today. So for the very few who read it once already, sorry. But I need this reminder as much as anyone, so hopefully it's useful to you, as well. I've made some edits, but without further ado...

It's all over the place five years (now six years) later, as it is on every anniversary of one of the darkest days in American history. As I watch the memorials and media coverage, I'm saddened. Though some of the sadness comes in remembering what happened that day, much of it comes in the form of something very different.

The day of the attack, and for the following few weeks and months, I think God was spoken of more in our country than in many years preceding it. Politicians that were normally covered in mud and at each others throats were singing "God Bless America" with one voice. People were praying in the public and media. God's name was allowed back into the classroom. Now, all we hear about is the "resiliency of the human spirit," as if we are proud of ourselves in how we've begun to pull ourselves through this and started to heal, forgetting the prayers of helplessness and desperation that were offered up five (six) short years ago.

The saying has emblazoned nearly everything that has to do with 11 Sept. 2001..."May We Never Forget." And while we may not have forgotten the men and women who lost their lives on the day, or the images of the burning and eventually falling towers, the hole in the field in Shankville, PA, and the blackened, demolished wall of the of the Pentagon (and rightly so), we certainly have forgotten something...make that, someOne.

Forgive us, Lord. May we never forget You...

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